Tuesday, 7 February 2017

How to Avoid Common Mistakes when Hiring a Math Tutor

Maths is not a subject that can be taught by just any tutor. Expertise on the subject does not guarantee a tutor to be the ideal one to teach your child and make him love and understand the subject. Thus when you are searching for a maths tutor, it’s important to be extra careful and avoid some of the common mistakes that most people make.

Ability to communicate

No doubt expertise on the subject is a mandatory requirement but even more important is the ability to transmit that knowledge and understanding through simple means to the students. Most maths tutors often turn out to be notorious communicators. Thus it’s important for a good maths tutor London to communicate properly and lucidly in an interesting and fun manner. To be a good communicator, he listens carefully, interacts with the students and understands their problems and then addresses their needs in the most effective manner. To access the tutor on this parameter, always insist on a few sample classes before you actually hire the tutor.


For effective teaching, a maths tutor needs to gauge early both the current knowledge as well as the learning ability of the student. Apart from it, he must also have the uncanny ability to understand the student’s current psychological and emotional state which may impact his learning abilities as well at that time. Often due to some issues like crisis at home, a death of a loved one or any other disturbing incident, the student may show signs of attention deficit, lack of motivation to learn or the inability to focus despite trying hard. A good tutor would be able to counsel his student and get him away from this darkness on the right path again.

Guaranteeing results

Any good tutor will be able to access his student in a few classes and then gauge how far the student can be pulled up in the given frame of time. He would be able to guarantee a certain level of performance of the student under his guidance though would always try for a higher level. This will make him responsible and accountable for his teachings. While talking about this guarantee, you can also talk about a cut in fees as penalty in case the minimum guaranteed threshold is not met. This will automatically deter him from neglecting his job or taking it lightly.

Avoiding these mistakes would ensure that your child is actually making a progress.


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