Tuesday, 29 March 2016

Recognizing Signs That Your Child Needs Maths Tutor NW London

No Parent wishes their child to lag behind in their studies. However, the increased pressure of studies and busy family schedules, the child is always struggling to cope up with the class. This pressure and difficulty of the child is more evidenced in the maths subject since it simply cannot be rote-learned. Thus it’s natural and studies have also proved that more than 25 percent of parents are hiring a maths tutor NW London so that their child can excel academically in the subject. However, first it needs to be ascertained if your child actually needs the maths tutorial. The following signs in your child will let you know that your child requires help.

Home-work time keeps stretching

If your child is struggling with his maths homework and is either trying to avoid it or taking excessive time in completing it, then it is obvious that the child has not been able to grasp the concepts well in school and needs help of a tutor at home.

Grades are slipping

The difficulty a child faces in any subject is easily evidenced by the low marks scored on that subject. If you find that the child’s grades are on the deteriorating trend for the past two to three months consistently, it’s easy to surmise that the child is not finding classroom teaching sufficient and adequate and needs extra help on the subject. This becomes more concerning when you know that the child have been putting adequate hours in his studies and had been quite diligent with it but still his efforts are not adequately showcased in his grades.

Hates school and try to avoid it

School can only be fun as long as the child is able to cope up with studies and enjoys them. Once a subject starts becoming a burden and he is not able to follow it, then his self confidence starts dwindling and the fear of other children making fun and ridicule of him increases. This makes the child hate the prospect of going to school and he starts looking for reasons to avoid school. When the child complains about going to school, it’s time to start looking for exact problem and provide right solutions.

Child shows increasing behavior problems

Any child who is struggling with maths or any other subject for that matter would start harboring anger and frustration within him. This is bound to show up in his behavior. If the child disposes his happy self and is sad and tensed at all times and shown irritation and frustration at the slightest thing, it’s time to delve into the root cause which may well be struggle with maths.

The teacher’s input

Finally the child’s maths tutor is the best guide to advice you on the child’s pain areas and whether he requires a maths tutor and to what extent. Nobody would know your child’s difficulties better than her.

If any or all signs are witnessed in a child, parents should not waste any time and hire a private maths tutor for the child.

Importance and Benefits of One on One Private Maths Tutor London

A well-rounded education is the greatest gift that any parent can give to a child. Of all the subjects, maths is one subject that can make any child as scared as snakes and spiders. The anxiety and fear of numbers can put the child at a distinct disadvantage in his education pursuit. Thus it’s not uncommon that a parent hires a private maths tutor London to ease the child’s difficulties. Opting for one-on one tutoring offers some distinct advantages group coaching in this scenario. Some of the advantages are:- The ‘Classroom Dilemma’ resolved

A group tutoring is quite similar to classroom teaching. The teacher takes care of multiple students albeit less than a classroom simultaneously. Hence it’s not possible for the tutor to understand each student on a personal level and cater to each child’s specific needs. Moreover, if a child is shy or less confident in asking about his dilemma in class, the same issue persists in the tutoring class. This defeats the entire purpose of tutoring. This ‘classroom dilemma’ is resolved in one-on-one tutoring and the child receives an undivided attention of the tutor and makes the right progress as tutoring is specially tailored for him.

Challenges are specifically conquered

In group coaching, an individual child’s learning pace, challenges or progress are not taken in consideration but the major needs of the group comes into play. The pace of the study also does not meet the pace of the child. Thus, the child may or may not cope successfully with it. The success would again depend on the child’s ability to cope. In case the child is not able to match, his self-confidence and self-esteem is bound to dip which would reflect in all aspect of his life. Thus group tutoring is likely to do more harm to him than good. However, in one-on-one tutoring, a child’s specific challenges are taken into consideration and the tutoring plan set accordingly. The pace is also flexible according to the child’s pace. Thus the tutoring comes with almost guaranteed success which reflects in the natural confidence building and boosting of the child’s abilities. He not only tackles all mathematical problems analytically and logically but is also able to extend it to other aspects of his life.

Positive attitude and accountability increased

In group coaching, it is not possible for a tutor to make students accountable for their actions. The simple reason is that he cannot provide positive reinforcement, constructive feedback, continuous encouragement and technical expertise to all. He cannot push each and every child to push their boundaries and excel beyond their boundaries. This is simply because he cannot interact individually with each child to know their strength and weakness. However, all these issues are eliminated in one-on-one tutoring. The child’s challenges are best met and thus the child is made accountable for his performance. Also the close bond formed between the tutor and child promotes progress. Thus one-on one tutoring is definitely more beneficial than group tutoring to the child’s progress in maths.

The Myths of Maths Tutoring Debunked

An experienced maths tutor with right skills is vital to your child grasping the maths concepts well. Their right approach and method of teaching will help the child develop analytical and logical skills that would help him not only in academics but in his life as well. While we recognize how vital maths is for any child, we also have plenty of myths about it in our minds. Let’s debunk the most common and absurd myths surrounding the subject.

Tutoring must follow a regular schedule

Tutoring need not be a regular twice or thrice a week schedule. Depending on your child’s capability and skill, the duration and time may vary. For example, the child may only require help when faced with new concepts or only during the times of important high profile exams etc. In contrast some child may require help with homework and to do regular practice. Hence the schedule should be set according to child’s need which may vary from the normal norm.

A child needs to have a ‘maths gene’ in order to do well

Let me share the good news with all parents that there is no such thing as ‘maths gene’. A recent study has established that the same genes are used by children for learning maths as that used for reading. There is no special disposition to make them excel in the subject. It is the child’s upbringing and right study habits and help that can make them an expert in the subject.

Certification is a must for maths tutor

While we agree that maths is indeed a specialized topic, the tutor need not hold any certifications to his credentials. Teaching and tutoring have a subtle difference and require different sets of skills. The maths tutor should be able to communicate well with his pupil while simultaneously being patient and cheerful. The child should feel absolutely comfortable and confident with him.

Tutoring implies help with homework

Tutoring need not be only homework help that helps a child complete his maths assignment. Homework is nothing but a supplement to reinforce classroom learning. The tutor’s main role is to ensure that the child grasps concept well and gradually become an independent thinker in tackling all problems and solving them independently.

Higher hourly rates means a good tutor

Just because a tutor’s hourly rates are high, it does not mean that he is a good tutor and best for your child. This is the worst criteria for selecting a tutor. The best way is to interview a tutor and understand if the child’s need would be best met by him. There is nothing like a trial session with the tutor.

Last minute help is fine

Getting a maths tutor at the eleventh hour, just before examinations is a bad idea. It would only pressurize the child and not yield satisfactory results. They should be hired at right time so that before exams, they can reinforce past and current learning materials.

With the myths debunked now, it’s wise to choose a tutor that best meets your child’s demands.