Saturday, 21 February 2015

Quick questions to ask a maths teacher of your child

While searching for some of the best maths tutors for your child, it is highly essential that you find the right one. How would you identify the best maths tuitions for A level.

Maths Tutor For a Level
Here is a list of some of the top questions that you can ask your maths tutor regarding the development of your child.

1. What information do you have from the earlier tutor about my child?
Moreover, go through your child's reports of last year to know what their previous teacher remarked on the development of the child and its ability to learn.

2. Has your child's current school and their tutors have given you the correct information about your child's performance? It is important that the new maths tuition london is aware of the strengths and weaknesses of the child. This could lead to many different types of techniques adopted by the teacher to imply the learning of the concepts.

3. Does the new maths tutor for A level know your child from inside out and will be able to deal with your child in an efficient way?

4. What more can you, as a parent do for the growth and success of your child? What steps you have to take in order to make sure that your child performs to the best of his ability.

5. How will the maths lessons be taught to your child? What is the methodology? How and in what way will the student have to do their homework at home while the tutor is not around?

6. Will there be a regular maths practice for the child? Make sure that your child does not get out of touch of the subject and always practices it in some form or the other every day.

7. Will it be a classroom teaching or a private tuitions? Find out if your child will be given special attention and taken care after well.

8. Has the tutor taken any steps to teach the students of different grade in different batches or together? This will determine the attention of the tutor and their ability to cope with more than one level of students.

9. Know what steps will be taken by the teacher when your child has difficulty in understanding a particular topic and how will it overcome? What critical steps you, or the teacher can take together to overcome all the challenging areas for the child.

10. What other resources can you provide apart from the conventional ones?

Once you know all the answers to these questions, there are complete chances that you will have found one of the best maths tutors in London.

What qualities to look for in a maths tutor?

Understanding of the subject

An effective math teacher has a wide knowledge of mathematics. She/he should have taken several courses in algebra, geometry, statistics, calculus and other topics of mathematics at the college and, probably, even at the graduate level. This knowledge will let them to definitely explain concepts and processes of the subject to their students. Their self- confidence also gives a boost their reliability and benefits the students in trusting in their capacity to teach them what they need to know.

maths tutor for a level
Teaching Tactics

A good maths tutor in London understands that students absorb the knowledge in different methods, and not all the students are same. They will keep up with the best practices in math education and regularly integrate them into their teaching to assist all the students learn in a smooth manner. An ideal tutor will also understand that there are numerous methods to solve the challenges of the students and they merely focus on increasing and developing the self-confidence of all their pupils.


In any classroom, an experienced and a talented maths teacher london should not take the approach of a 'know it all'. They should be on the other hand be ready to accept any new thoughts and ideas of the students as well. In reality, this is how the learning can be facilitated from one end to the other. For instance, if the student answers a question incorrectly, they should encourage the students and make them realize their mistake till the time they do not figure it out themselves.

Management and guidance

An accomplished math teacher is considered a leader in the school. The students respect her/him, not only for their understanding of mathematics, but also for their total approach and activities regarding the growth and development of the students. It can be easily said that the students have a lot of admiration and respect for their tutor.

Attention and worries for the student

As any knowledgeable teacher identifies, teaching maths pays emphases less on the topic being taught than the learners being taught. A respectable and efficient math teacher cares about his/her students. She identifies when a student is undergoing a poor day or is in need of some reassurance and inspiration. Moreover, it is also the sign of an ideal teacher to give the students second chances as and when required.